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KoalaServers 1.20*
The One-Stop Australian Server!
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Welcome to KoalaServers!
1 minute read

Welcome - To the beginning of KoalaServers

KoalaServers.net marks our latest endeavor to forge Australia's ultimate survival Minecraft server. Originating from a group of friends during our high school days in 2012, we have reunited in 2023 to craft an exceptional server for our Aussie community.

A warm welcome awaits everyone at KoalaServers, and we're thrilled to have you join us in experiencing this server together. Our commitment to being family-friendly stems from the recognition of prevailing toxicity in Minecraft communities. We aspire to be a secure haven where individuals can authentically express themselves, fostering an inclusive environment for all.

Your time is appreciated, and as we progress, anticipate occasional minor hiccups. Feel free to share your feedback or suggestions fearlessly on our Discord suggestions channel.