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KoalaServers 1.20*
The One-Stop Australian Server!
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Username Daily Votes Weekly Votes Monthly Votes All Time Votes
catastrophy1 catastrophy1 3 39 159 1739
KoalaSMP KoalaBites 3 38 150 1725
Mr_Buzzz Mr_Buzzz 35 155 1419
NinScorpions77 NinScorpions77 2 38 83 1174
pipihehe pipihehe 8 1081
Vitalsberg Vitalsberg 27 89 943
Fase_Vincor Fase_Vincor 1 871
akersda akersda 1 794
Marmi8 Marmi8 12 126 760
Vistro_Design Vistro_Design 30 545
xKye xKye 53 518
grandpajeff grandpaJeff 6 7 486
KaptainHodor KaptainHodor 480
KoalaServers EuphoricSky 457
xGrimlin xGrimlin 18 445
Sauseappol Sauseappol 2 443
johnairs johnairs 3 7 403
Palendrome4585 Palendrome4585 12 44 330
Snorlaxalott Snorlaxalott 1 5 305
EnderDudev2 EnderDudev2 7 305
Quolly Rokahu 280
Jinzokf Jinzokf 1 2 275
dadplays986 dadplays986 12 108 272
gumtr3e gumtr3e 2 15 265
iiRobert iiRobert 36 125 235